Khedives Star 1884-6 Egypt Campaign Bronze Medal #2

~ Khedives Star 1884-6 Egypt Campaign Bronze Medal #2 ~ The Khedive’s Star was a campaign medal established by Khedive

Khedives Star 1884-6 Egypt Campaign Bronze Medal #1

~ Khedives Star 1884-6 Egypt Campaign Bronze Medal #1 ~ The Khedive’s Star was a campaign medal established by Khedive

Egypt, 1896, The Khedive’s Sudan Medal – 3474 Sepoy Rupa 26th Bengal Infantry Indian Army

*Egypt, 1896, The Khedive’s Sudan Medal – 3474 Sepoy Rupa  26th Bengal Infantry Indian Army* The Kedives Sudan Medal 1896-1908,

British Royal Navy, 1884-89, Pair of Egypt Medals: Egypt Medal  – F.W. Curtis Boy 1st Class HMS Briton Undated, Khedive’s Star 1884-6

*British Royal Navy, 1884-89, Pair of Egypt Medals: Egypt Medal  – F.W. Curtis Boy 1st Class HMS Briton Undated, Khedive’s