*German, WW2, NSDAP Party Badge (National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), RZM M1/129*
Approximate Measurements: 2.3cm diameter
Marked on the front: National-Sozialistische D.A.P
Marked on the obverse: RZM, M1/129
National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) membership badge. This circular, shallow-domed, enamelled metal badge features a narrow gold outer border and a red inner border inscribed in gold with “National-Sozialistische D.A.P.” The centre displays a white disc with a black swastika. The reverse features the standard issue functional “safety pin” attachment, allowing it to be worn on any clothing and is engraved with the RZM logo within a circle and “M1/129” the maker marked, for “Seiler & Comp Geldern” – which is a very rare maker to find. This was the standard issue membership badge presented to individuals upon acceptance as official party members.
The NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) was originally established in Munich on January 5, 1919, as the DAP (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or German Workers’ Party). When Adolf Hitler joined the DAP in late 1919, he transformed it from a debating society into a political organization. Appointed as the first chairman on July 29, 1921, Hitler restructured the party with a paramilitary hierarchy. By late 1934, items produced for the NSDAP, including membership badges, fell under the quality control of the RZM (Reichszeugmeisterei, or National Equipment Quartermaster), and were marked accordingly with the RZM logo.
Excellent used condition, the back has some Verdigris. Please see photographs as part of the condition report.