Showing 109–120 of 212 results

WW1 18PDR British Shrapnel Shell Fuze found on the Somme

*WW1 18PDR British Shrapnel Shell Fuze found on the Somme* WW1 18PDR British Shrapnel Shell Fuze found on the Somme

WW2 German Concrete Stock Mine

*WW2 German Concrete Stock Mine. Inert.* The Stockmine (“stick mine”), also Betonmine (“concrete mine”), was a German anti-personnel stake mine

Cutaway Inert WW1 British Stokes Mortar Bomb For Training Practice

~ Cutaway Inert WW1 British Stokes Mortar Bomb For Training Practice ~ The piece is a restored and made inert

Inert WW1 British Stokes Mortar Bomb For Training Practice

~ Inert WW1 British Stokes Mortar Bomb For Training Practice ~ The piece is a restored and made inert Somme

Inert WW1 British Stokes Mortar Bomb With Always Fuse

~ Inert WW1 British Stokes Mortar Bomb With Always Fuse ~ The piece is a restored and made inert Somme

Post-War L2A1 Anti-Tank Practice Mine

Inert British Practice Anti-Tank Mine

Training M21 Fragmentation Pineapple Grenade FUSE M205A2. Fully inert 1968

*Training M21 Fragmentation Pineapple Grenade FUSE M205A2. Fully inert 1968* The hand grenade fuze M205A2 is a pyrotechnic delay-igniting fuze.

Inert German WW2 SD1 Cluster Bomb

~ Inert German WW2 SD1 Cluster Bomb ~ The fuse is stamped AZ (73) A3 (the AZ being a date

WW1 Inert No.36 Mills Bomb Grenade Money Box

~ WW1 Inert No.36 Mills Bomb Grenade Money Box ~ A First World War No.36 Mills bomb grenade converted into

1915 WW1 German Kugel Grenade

*1915 German WW1 Kugel Grenade* The Kugel Grenade Model 1913 (‘Kugelhandgranate’) 2nd Model. 1915. The Kugelhandgranate, also known as the

Cold War French XF 1 Training Grenade

~Cold War French XF 1 Training Grenade~ This is a nice example of  French XF 1 Training Grenade. The Grenade

British WW1 Centre Cast No.5 Mills Bomb

~ British WW1 Centre Cast No.5 Mills Bomb ~ “Mills bomb” is the popular name for a series of British