French 19th Century Bisque Porcelain Lady Figurine

~ French 19th Century Bisque Porcelain Lady Figurine ~ The colourful piece depicts a curtsying Georgian floral dressed young lady

Pair Of Italian Bisque Porcelain Figurines

~ Pair Of Italian Bisque Porcelain Figurines ~ The pair depicts older children in Georgian floral dress on gilded bases.

Superb c1825 H & R Daniel Swan Lipped Bisque Porcelain Ewer Vase

~ Superb c1825 H & R Daniel Swan Lipped Bisque Porcelain Ewer Vase ~ This very rare example has a

Late 19th Century Bisque Porcelain Vase Of Children Feeding A Swan

~ Late 19th Century Bisque Porcelain Vase Of Children Feeding A Swan ~ The oval shaped bowl/vase depicts a young

c1870 Bisque Porcelain Match Striker Of Boy In A Canoe

~ c1870 Bisque Porcelain Match Striker Of Boy In A Canoe ~ The piece depicts a young boy, dressed in

Late Victorian c1900 Bisque Porcelain Figural Group Of Children At The Seaside

~ Late Victorian c1900 Bisque Porcelain Figural Group Of Children At The Seaside ~ A lovely large bisque porcelain figural

c1860 Bisque Porcelain Figurine Of Napoleon

~ c1860 Bisque Porcelain Figurine Of Napoleon ~ There is no backstamp. ~ Condition ~ Please refer to the images,

c1880 Bisque Porcelain Figurine Of A Lady

~ c1880 Bisque Porcelain Figurine Of A Lady ~ The piece, though unsigned, is most likely German. ~ Condition ~

Trio Of 1840’s Bisque Porcelain Continental Putties

~ Trio Of 1840’s Bisque Porcelain Continental Putties ~ ~ Condition ~ Please refer to the images for the condition.

c1900 German Bisque Figurine Pair

~ c1900 German Bisque Figurine Pair ~ Here we have a delightful pair of young children in Regency clothes, finished

Art Nouveau Bisque Porcelain Jardiniere With Dancing Girls*

~ Art Nouveau “Jugendstil” Bisque Jardiniere by E and A Muller ~ The elaborate piece has two dancing girls to

c1900 German Armand Marseille Bisque ‘My Dream Baby’ Doll 351/7.K.

Original price was: £195.00.Current price is: £165.00.
~ c1900 German Armand Marseille Bisque Head Doll 351/7.K. ~ An Armand Marseille bisque doll, impressed AM 351/7K with weighted