WW2 German Luftwaffe Pilot/Observer Qualification Badge By C E Junker In Case Of Issue #2

~ WW2 German Luftwaffe Pilot/Observer Qualification Badge By C E Junker In Case Of Issue #2 ~ The badge is

WW2 German Luftwaffe Pilot/Observer Qualification Badge By C E Junker In Case Of Issue #1

~ WW2 German Luftwaffe Pilot/Observer Qualification Badge By C E Junker In Case Of Issue #1 ~ The badge is

Italian, Edoardo Rubino, Statue of a Torino Carabiniere Officer, with Laganà Napoli foundry marks. (Monumento Nazionale Al Carabiniere – Torino, By E. RuBino, Fond Art Lagana Napoli)

*Italian, Edoardo Rubino, Statue of a Torino Carabiniere Officer, with Laganà Napoli foundry marks. (Monumento Nazionale Al Carabiniere – Torino,

German, WW2, Kriegsmarine Dress Dagger & Scabbard, Made by E & F. Hörster, Solingen

*German, WW2, Kriegsmarine Dress Dagger & Scabbard, Made by E & F. Hörster, Solingen* Approximate measurements: 37.8cm overall, 24.7cm blade

German, WW2, Named Kriegsmarine Dagger and Scabbard, Made by E & F. Horster Solingen, Owned by Oberleutnant Kurt Baburg, Scabbard engraved with Olympic Rings 1936, U827, KB, U30, U618

*German, WW2, Named Kriegsmarine Dagger and Scabbard, Made by E & F. Horster Solingen, Owned by Oberleutnant Kurt Baburg, Scabbard

Untouched WW2 German Dress Bayonet By E & F Horster Of  Solingen With Scabbard, Frog And Portepee

~ Untouched WW2 German Dress Bayonet By E & F Horster Of  Solingen With Scabbard, Frog And Portepee ~ The

JS International JSI WW2 German Tiger Tank E Sd Kfz 181 1 18th Scale Circa 2009

~ JS International JSI WW2 German Tiger Tank E Sd Kfz 181 1 18th Scale Circa 2009 ~ The tank

Snider Carbine And Accoutrements Of Sgt. E. Miller Royal Fusiliers

Here we have the personal sidearm, medal and a photograph of Sgt. E. Miller of the Royal Fusiliers. We acquired