c1860 Charles Ford Blue, White And Gilt Porcelain Plate

~ c1860 Charles Ford Blue, White And Gilt Porcelain Plate ~ The plate depicts a Chinese pagoda building with two

c1860 Charles Ford Blue, White And Gilt Porcelain Oval Plate

~ c1860 Charles Ford Blue, White And Gilt Porcelain Oval Plate ~ The plate depicts a Chinese pagoda building with

c1860 Charles Ford Blue, White And Gilt Porcelain Soup Bowl And Cover

~ c1860 Charles Ford Blue, White And Gilt Porcelain Soup Bowl And Cover ~ The pieces depict a Chinese pagoda

Vintage Ford Service Station Enamelled Metal Advertising Sign

~ Vintage Ford Service Station Enamelled Metal Advertising Sign ~ ~ Condition ~ Please refer to the images for the

Vintage Ford And Fordson Enamelled Metal Advertising Sign

~ Vintage Ford And Fordson Enamelled Metal Advertising Sign ~ ~ Condition ~ Please refer to the images for the

Boxed Corgi Toys 234 Ford Consul Classic

~ Boxed Corgi Toys 234 Ford Consul Classic ~ The red and pink-beige car comes with its original box. ~

Boxed Dinky Toys 155 Ford Anglia

~ Boxed Dinky Toys 155 Ford Anglia ~ The turquoise car has a red interior. ~ Condition ~ The box

Boxed Dinky 165 Ford Capri 1969-75

~ Boxed Dinky 165 Ford Capri 1969-75 ~ This particular model is purple and was produced from 1969-1975. It was

Boxed Dinky 174 Ford Mercury Cougar – Metallic Blue

~ Boxed Dinky 174 Ford Mercury Cougar – Metallic Blue ~ This particular model was produced between 1969 and 1972.

Dinky 130 Ford Consul Corsair – Boxed

~ Dinky 130 Ford Consul Corsair – Boxed ~ A Dinky Toys model no. 130, the Ford Consul Corsair, produced