Showing 37–48 of 51 results

Nock Transitional 6-shot Percussion British Revolver

It features an octagonal, 14.7cm barrel with a revolving percussion action. The gun has many visible London proof marks and

Vintage Browning M2 Machine Gun Table Lighter

Vintage American Browning Machine Gun Lighter

WW1 War Medal to 121656 Pte. Fred Flower of the Machine Gun Corps*

~ WW1 War Medal to 121656 Pte. Fred Flower of the Machine Gun Corps ~ The medal is engraved. The

Astra Cap Firing Coastal Defence Gun #2

~ Astra Cap Firing Coastal Defence Gun #2 ~ The cap firing gun is housed in a coastal defence gun

Astra Cap Firing Coastal Defence Gun #1

~ Astra Cap Firing Coastal Defence Gun #1 ~ The cap firing gun is housed in a coastal defence gun

PPs WZ 1943-52 Polish Sub-Machine Gun Dated 1954 – Deactivated

~ PPs WZ 1943-52 Polish Sub-Machine Gun Dated 1954 ~ The PPS is a family of Soviet submachine guns chambered

Gunsmith Boresight for .30 Cal Browning Machine Gun

~ Gunsmith Boresight for .30 Cal Browning Machine Gun ~ A gunsmith boresight for the browning machine gun, made from

Hancock & Sons Crested China Model Of A Field Gun With Coventry Crest

~ Hancock & Sons Crested China Model Of A Field Gun With Coventry Crest ~ The piece has gilt highlight

Circa 1940 Tinplate Hausser 88mm Flak Gun Number 748

~ Circa 1940 Tinplate Hausser 88mm Flak Gun Number 748 ~ The tinplate is finished in a wartime olive drab.

Boxed Dinky Toys 697 25 Pounder Gun Unit

~ Boxed Dinky Toys 697 25 Pounder Gun Unit ~ The boxed set is comprised of an artillery tractor, a