Showing 13–15 of 15 results

c1800 Georgian Etched Glass Strawberry Bowl With Matching Cream Jug

~ c1800 Georgian Etched Glass Strawberry Bowl With Matching Cream Jug ~ Both fine pieces are hand blow with etched

WW1, British Royal Engineers, Matching Pair of Brass Shoulder Titles

*WW1, British Royal Engineers, Matching Pair of Brass Shoulder Titles* Matching Pair of Brass Royal Engineer Shoulder Title badges with

French M1892 Second Pattern Mannlicher-Berthier Sword Bayonet & Matching Scabbard.

*French M1892 Second Pattern Mannlicher-Berthier Sword Bayonet & Matching Scabbard.* The French Model 1892 Sword Bayonet, was manufactured in 1892,