Roman Cartouche

~ Roman Cartouche ~ ~ Condition ~ Please refer to the images for the condition. A cartouche (also cartouch) is

Small Roman Oil Lamp With Incised Pattern

~ Small Roman Oil Lamp With Incised Pattern ~ It dates to around 200AD. ~ Condition ~ Please refer to

Roman Oil Lamp With Incised Pattern

~ Roman Oil Lamp With Incised Pattern ~ It dates to around 200. ~ Condition ~ Please refer to the

Victorian Cast Iron Plaque With Historical Roman Scene

~ Victorian Cast Iron Plaque With Historical Roman Scene ~ A large Victorian cast iron plaque with a relief image

Circa 238 AD Gordian IIIrd Roman Empire Sestertius Coin

~ Circa 238 AD Gordian IIIrd Roman Empire Sestertius Coin ~ ~ Condition ~ Please refer to the images, a

c200-300 AD Ancient Roman Bronze Eagle Military Figurine

~ c200-300 AD Ancient Roman Bronze Eagle Military Figurine  ~ ~ Condition ~ The piece is in good (ancient!) order.