German Kriegsmarine Officer Dress Sword Paul Weyersberg Solingen

German Kriegsmarine Officer Dress Sword Paul Weyersberg Solingen The sword has an overall length of approximately 94cm with a blade

Riverfound C1700 Large Slot Hilt Caved Sword

This rare carved sword is an interesting one, with a single edged blade that could be for both cavalry or

C1740-80 German Infantry Hanger

Here we have an infantry hanger used by various German infantry units in the mid to late 18th century German

WW1 Period German NCO Sword

Here we have a sword that is iconic among collectors as the final evolution of the German single knucklebow sabre.

Prussian Model 1855 Pioneer Fachinenmesser Sword

~ Prussian Model 1855 Pioneer Fachinenmesser Sword ~ These swords were carried by specialist pioneer troops, designed with a heavy,