Pair Of 19th Century Wedgwood Plates With Pearlware Transfer Decoration 2

~ Pair Of 19th Century Wedgwood Plates With Pearlware Transfer Decoration 2 ~ The blue on white plates have gilt

Pair Of 19th Century Wedgwood Plates With Pearlware Transfer Decoration

~ Pair Of 19th Century Wedgwood Plates With Pearlware Transfer Decoration ~ The blue on white plates have gilt edges

Circa 1840 Staffordshire Pearlware Cattle Bowl

~ Circa 1840 Staffordshire Pearlware Cattle Bowl ~ A beautifully printed Staffordshire pearlware bowl, dating to circa 1840. The inside

Staffordshire Pearlware Mug Of Father Neptune (Shorter & Sons, Ltd)

A Staffordshire mug of Father Neptune. The mug is in the form of a bearded King Neptune, god of the

19th Century Pearlware Pottery Tureen With Cover #2

~ 19th Century Pearlware Pottery Tureen With Cover ~ A lovely pearlware ceramic tureen with lid. The tureen is of

Early 19th Century Pearlware Pottery Covered Tureen

~ Early 19th Century Pearlware Pottery Covered Tureen ~ A nice pearlware tureen by Chetham & Robinson dating to the

Circa 1790-1810 Possibly Minton Pearlware Pottery Plate

~ Circa 1790-1810 Possibly Minton Pearlware Pottery Plate ~ A charming piece blue and white plate with a seated figure