A military uniform is a standardised dress worn by members of the armed forces and paramilitaries of various nations.

Cold War Era Yugoslavian Air Force Sergeants Uniform Of the Air Defence Forces

~ Cold War Era Yugoslavian Air Force Sergeants Uniform Of the Air Defence Forces ~ This is a historical military

1949 Pattern Battledress Uniform Set (Buffs) Royal East Kent Regiment And GS Medal Named To PTE. M.J Button

~ 1949 Pattern Battledress Uniform Set (Buffs) Royal East Kent Regiment ~ ~ 1949 Pattern Battledress History ~ The 1949

Royal Scots Pipers Uniform Set

~ Royal Scots Pipers Uniform Set ~ The set is comprised of a pipers tunic with gold and silver cord,

Original WW2 Royal Scots Tam O’Shanter with Collection of Documents and Photos

This collection includes Griffiths Lawson Hall’s Royal Scots Tam O’Shanter hat with badge, documents such as service book and discharge

WW2 RAF Pilor Ace In A Day F/Lt. C. Dyson OBE, DFC, GSM Uniform Set

~ WW2 RAF Pilor Ace In A Day F/Lt. C. Dyson OBE, DFC, GSM Uniform Set ~ A historically important

Cased Royal Navy Paddle Steamer “Captains” Lieutenant Uniform Circa 1910

~ Cased Royal Navy Paddle Steamer Lieutenant Uniform Circa 1910 ~ This full uniform set is a unusual mixture of

Circa 1910 9th Royal Lancers Other Ranks Uniform

~ Circa 1910 9th Royal Lancers Other Ranks Uniform ~ The uniform consists of the chapska helmet, tunic & trousers.

Post 1902 Yorkshire Deputy Lord Lieutenant Uniform

~ Post 1902 Yorkshire Deputy Lord Lieutenant Uniform ~ This is an excellent example of a British Deputy Lord Lieutenant

20th Century Royal Dragoon Guards 1881 Pattern Uniform

~ 20th Century Royal Dragoon Guards 1881 Pattern Uniform ~ This uniform belonged to an NCO of the 4/7th Royal

Pre 1973 Royal Navy Officers Uniform Jacket

~ Pre 1973 Royal Navy Officers Uniform Jacket ‘ This is what appears to be a mid 21st century Royal

Circa 1800 Childs Hussars Uniform

~ Circa 1800 Childs Hussars Uniform ~ Here we have something truly unique. A uniform of a French Hussar made