1947 Silver Plated Sailors Hat Presented To HMS Vernon

~ 1947 Silver Plated Sailors Hat Presented To HMS Vernon ~ The cap tally is inscribed HMS Vernon. The underside

Victorian Chief Yeoman Warders Hat 5th Royal Irish Lancers Known Owner

~ Victorian Chief Yeoman Warders Hat 5th Royal Irish Lancers Known Owner ~ The upper underside of the hat is

Boxed Lladro Figurine No. 1147 – Seated Girl With Hat

~ Boxed Lladro Figurine No. 1147 – Seated Girl With Hat ~ A beautiful glazed porcelain figure of a girl

Major P.R. Elliot Royal Artillery Officer No.1 Cap with Gloves

This is a set including cap and gloves that belonged to Major P.R. Elliot of the Royal Artillery regiment. They

Vintage Primax Bowler Hat & Original Case*

~ Vintage Primax Bowler Hat & Original Case ~ A nice quality vintage bowler hat, dating to the earlier part

Royal Navy HMS Royal Sovereign Flat Cap

20th Century British Navy Junior Rates Flat Cap

Carlton China Crested China, Colonial Hat – Crest Of London

~ Carlton China Crested China, Colonial Hat – Crest Of London ~ The edge of the hat is marked with

19th Century Bavarian Officials Officers Bicorne Hat

~ 19th Century Bavarian Officials Officers Bicorne Hat ~ A smart asymmetrical 19th Century bicorne of black beaver skin with