c1900 Mahogany And Glass Double Inkwell Set

~ c1900 Mahogany And Glass Double Inkwell Set ~ The set has moulded glass inkwells covered by a double swivel

Art Deco Sterling Silver & Guilloche Enamel Capstan Inkwell c1924

~ Art Deco Sterling Silver & Guilloche Enamel Capstan Inkwell c1924 ~ A beautiful Art Deco silver inkwell dated 1924.

Vintage Continental Cut Glass Inkwell On Onyx Stand

~ Vintage Continental Cut Glass Inkwell On Onyx Stand ~ The detachable inkwell is of cut glass with brass mounts

Original Royal Gurkha Rifles Inkwell

Genuine Gurkha Rifles Regiment Inkwells

Victorian Novelty Brass Inkwell

~ Victorian Novelty Brass Inkwell ~ The inkwell has embossed floral figures. It has a side handle, a spout and

Pair Of Early 20th Century Travelling Inkwell And Match Holders

~ Pair Of Early 20th Century Travelling Inkwell And Match Holders ~ Both pieces have brown leather cases. One is

Early 20thC Brass Miniature Firemans Helmet Inkwell

~ Early 20thC Brass Miniature Firemans Helmet Inkwell ~ A charming early 20th century inkwell in the form of a

London 1895 Silver Topped Crystal Ink Well

~ London 1895 Silver Topped Crystal Ink Well ~ The heavy crystal glass lid has a silver hinged lid. The

Heavy Glass & Silver Inkwell London c1900

Original price was: £250.00.Current price is: £195.00.
~ Heavy Glass & Silver Inkwell London c1900 ~ A large heavy glass inkwell with sterling silver collar and lid

19th Century Spelter Labrador Inkwell

~ 19th Century Spelter Labrador Inkwell ~ A quirky late 19th century inkwell in the form of a labrador dog.

Walker & Hall Engraved Silver Capstan Inkwell c1918

~ Walker & Hall Engraved Silver Capstan Inkwell c1918 ~ A nice quality Walker & Hall silver inkwell with inscription

c1925 Small Silver Inkwell With Enamel Picture Lid

~ c1925 Small Silver Inkwell With Enamel Picture Lid ~ A lovely inkwell dated for 1925 with an enamel painted