Exceptional Mahogany Boer War Campaign Writing Desk To 5th Royal Irish Lancers

~ Exceptional Mahogany Boer War Campaign Writing Desk To The 5th Royal Irish Lancers ~ The desk neatly folds up.

c1900 Mahogany And Glass Double Inkwell Set

~ c1900 Mahogany And Glass Double Inkwell Set ~ The set has moulded glass inkwells covered by a double swivel

Fine Slatted Compact Georgian Mahogany Wine Cooler

~ Fine Slatted Compact Georgian Mahogany Wine Cooler ~ Dating to around 1800, the compact wine cooler has a copper

Vintage Garrard Elliot Mahogany 8 Day Mantle Clock

~ Vintage Garrard Elliot Mahogany 8 Day Mantle Clock ~ This compact clock was made by Elliot to be retailed

Circa 1900 Single Draw Light Mahogany Bound Telescope

~ Circa 1900 Single Draw Light Mahogany Bound Telescope ~ The piece is made of brass with a mahogany tube

19th Century Mahogany Circular Fusee Wall Clock

~ 19th Century Mahogany Circular Fusee Wall Clock ~ A fine 19th century mahogany wall clock with a fusee movement.

19th Century English Flame Mahogany 8 day Longcase Clock – Moon Phase

A large and imposing Yorkshire 8 day striking clock by H. Buterworth of Rochdale. It features a moonphase to the

English c1880 3 Train Westminster Chimes & Striking 8 Day Mahogany Clock

Magnificent English c1880 3 Train Westminster Chimes & Striking 8 Day Mahogany Longcase Clock. The clock is in the George

c1820 Regency Twin Fusee Mahogany Bracket Clock – James Murray, Royal Exchange London

~ c1820 Regency Twin Fusee Mahogany Bracket Clock – James Murray, Royal Exchange London ~ The high quality clock is

Circa 1880 Seth Thomas Mahogany Cased Ships Bulkhead Clock

~ Circa 1880 Seth Thomas Mahogany Cased Ships Bulkhead Clock ~ The clock is housed in a mahogany barrel case.

Oak & Mahogany Bothamley Boston Mantle Clock

~ Oak & Mahogany Bothamley Boston Mantle Clock ~ Here we have a simple and elegant mantle clock by the

12 Inch Mahogany Wall Wire Fusee Clock By W.J. Murray Ltd c.1880

~ 12 Inch Mahogany Wall Wire Fusee Clock By W.J. Murray Ltd c.1880 ~ A lovely late Victorian mahogany 12